




I became a pomfret in my dream, swimming around in the water. For some reason, I needed to undergo an internal organ examination by the "dream perspective" method. I found that my internal organs were fully cooked, but they still looked raw; a bit like smoked salmon.


At this time, words of comfort came from the side, a fish friend said, "It's okay! Anyway, you are still alive, and you don't seem to be well-cooked yet."


"Oh, yeah." I replied, stirring my fins, wondering if that was comforting or not.




  1. 白鯧魚: 白鯧魚在這個夢中可能代表純潔、無拘無束或自我探索的象徵。魚在榮格心理學中常被視為無意識的象徵,尤其是水中的魚,象徵著潛意識的內容和情感的流動。你變成一條白鯧魚,可能暗示你在自我探索中處於一種純粹或無所畏懼的狀態,也可能暗示你正在與某些潛藏的情感或心靈層面進行接觸。
  2. 內臟全熟的魚: 這個具體的畫面可能象徵著內在的某些部分已經過度成熟或已經「處理完成」,但仍然保持某種表面的生機。這樣的象徵可能反映出你內心深處對某些情感或經歷的過度消化或過度理智化,這些情感或經歷表面上看起來已經“完成”或“處理”,但實際上仍然保持生氣或未完全消化的狀態。這裡或許有隱藏的情感仍在等待某種形式的釋放或轉化。
  3. 夢境透視法: 透視是一種深層探索內心世界的過程,它意味著你正在用某種方式深入挖掘自己內心的狀況。透視過程中的發現暗示你正在嘗試瞭解自己潛藏的部分,並且可能在進行內心的自我審視,想要知道哪些部分已經「成熟」,哪些部分還需要進一步處理。
  4. 夥伴的安慰: 魚夥伴的安慰可能反映出你內在的一部分力量或支持系統。這些夥伴可能代表你內心中的某些支持力量,或是你與他人建立的情感連結。這段安慰的話語表明,儘管某些部分的內心過程或情感看似已經「熟透」,你仍然處於一個活著且有可能繼續發展的狀態。
  5. 「看起來還沒熟」: 這句話中的對比意味著你仍然處於成長和發展的過程中,無論你的內在經歷看起來多麼成熟或過度處理,你仍然保持著生命力和潛力。這個元素提醒你,儘管表面上某些事情看似完成,你依然有機會進一步成長,並未真正「結束」。



From a Jungian psychology perspective, your dream seems to contain several rich symbols that can reveal insights about your unconscious mind and emotional processes. Let's break it down:

1. Becoming a Pomfret (Fish):

In Jungian terms, the fish is a common symbol of the unconscious mind and the depths of your psyche. Fish live in water, a realm that represents the unconscious in dreams. As a pomfret, a specific type of fish, this could represent a part of yourself that is going through a transformative process or exploring deeper aspects of your emotional world. The fish's swimming around could symbolize movement, change, or perhaps feelings of being “in flow” with your unconscious processes.

The choice of a pomfret specifically might suggest a need to be more mindful or reflective on a personal level—pomfret is not an everyday fish for most, so it could symbolize something more rare or specialized in your life that you're processing, something you might not fully recognize in your waking life.

2. Internal Organ Examination:

The act of examining your internal organs could symbolize an introspective or diagnostic process, perhaps reflecting a desire to look deeper into your own psyche or an emotional situation. In Jungian analysis, organs can represent different aspects of the self. The need for an “internal organ examination” might indicate that you are undergoing an emotional or psychological "check-up," perhaps seeking to understand how you feel emotionally or how your unconscious mind is influencing you.

3. Cooked Internal Organs That Appear Raw:

The idea of your internal organs being fully cooked but still looking raw, resembling something like smoked salmon, seems to represent the tension between outward appearances and inner processes. Cooked food is often symbolic of something that is "done," "processed," or "digested" emotionally, but the raw appearance may indicate that even though a situation or emotional process seems to have reached completion, it still carries an unresolved, unprocessed feeling. There could be something about this situation that has not fully integrated or matured emotionally, despite appearing "finished."

The cooked/raw paradox might suggest a dissonance between how you view yourself or how others view you versus how you actually feel about your inner state. Perhaps you feel ready or “done” with certain aspects of your life, but there is still an underlying sense of incompleteness or unfinished emotional work.

4. The Comforting Fish Friend:

The comforting words from your fish companion, who assures you that you're still alive and "not yet well-cooked," suggest the presence of an inner guide or supportive aspect of yourself. This voice could symbolize the anima (the feminine aspect of the psyche) or an internal wise figure that provides reassurance and perspective. The voice suggests that, while you may feel a certain pressure or fear about being “done” or “completed” in some sense, you still have life and potential ahead of you. You’re not as finished or as “cooked” as you think.

The reassuring voice is saying that your journey is ongoing, and you’re still in the process of becoming or evolving. This may be a reminder to give yourself time, to recognize that emotional or psychological maturity takes time, and that it's okay if you're not fully "cooked" yet.

5. The Question of Comfort:

Your response—stirring your fins and wondering whether the comfort is genuine or not—suggests that you may have some doubts about this reassurance or comfort. This is a normal part of the process of growth, especially when it comes to accepting changes in your inner world. Perhaps there is an ambivalence or skepticism about accepting help or comfort, and you're questioning whether what is being offered is truly helpful.

Overall Interpretation:

The dream seems to reflect a psychological process of self-examination and transformation. The image of the cooked but still raw internal organs suggests that you are in a state of transition—emotionally or psychologically—and are questioning whether certain issues in your life have truly been resolved or are still "under-cooked." Your fish companion's reassuring words speak to the possibility of accepting that you are still in the process of becoming, and there’s no need to rush the development of your inner self.

The dream also highlights the conflict between feeling like you should have everything figured out (the cooked organs) versus the reality of being in a process of ongoing growth and self-discovery (the raw appearance and the questioning of comfort). This might be an invitation to embrace the idea that some aspects of your emotional or psychological journey are not linear, and they may take time to fully integrate. You are still alive, still evolving, and there is room for further development.


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