I loved to play on the swing when I was a little girl. One day, I fell from a swing, and ended up with a scar beneath my lower lip, but that did not dampen my love for it. I enjoyed to lean my body backwards on the swing, flipping the whole world upside down. The vast blue sky felt like an endless ocean, and I was a little, jumping fish at sea.
High school days were consumed by the pressures of entrance exam, and swing seemed far away from me. It wasn’t until I entered Tunghai University that I stumbled upon swings at a nearby kindergarten. I rediscovered the long-lost joy of my childhood. I often begged my roommates to come swing with me. At first, they were willing, but over time, their interest faded, and I found myself swinging alone once again, just like I did when I was a child.
Now, I’ve lost track of how long it’s been since I last swung. Occasionally, when I see a swing in the park, I no longer feel the urge to sit on it. I remember how, as a child, the view from the swing felt boundless—like I could see the whole world. But now, the view from the swing seems narrow. I wonder if it’s me who has changed, or if the world has, or perhaps both of us have changed without even realizing it.
Sometimes, what we love is not necessarily one certain thing, a specific place or a particular person, but the beautiful memories hidden in our hearts. And these memories are not always an accurate reflection of reality; more often, they are simply a feeling.